Notepad Tricks Security

How To Password Protect A Folder Using Notepad

Does your Computer has multiple users? Are you Worried concerning about the files or folder access ? If you want to protect your private folder from others , Then you are at a right place . This is a very useful trick to Password protect a folder . By usin this trick you can set a customized password for your folder .

Steps to password protect a folder using notepad :

Step 1 : Open Notepad :

Right click on the desktop and select create a new text document option or just simply Open a Notepad.

Step 2 : Copy And Paste :

Copy-Paste the code given below to your notepad.

How to password protect a folder using notepad

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Do you want to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter the password to Unlock Your Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==onlinecmag goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

Step 3 : Save It :

Save that notepad file as ” OnlineCmag.bat ” ( .bat extension is must) .

How to password protect a folder using notepad

Step 4 : Double Click :

Now double click on ” OnlineCmag.bat ” , Then a new folder will be created with name ” My Folder “.

How to password protect a folder using notepad

Step 5 : Store your data :

Send all your files and data to this folder (which you want to hide or protect ) .

Step 6 : Again Double click on the ” OnlineCmag.bat ” :

Now double click on the ” OnlineCmag.bat ” , Then the command prompt will be displayed .

Now  ” Type Y ” and press enter to lock the folder .

How to password protect a folder using notepad

Step 7 : How to access :

Now The Folder will be hidden , to access that hidden Folder just double click on ” OnlineCmag.bat ” .

Step 8 : Enter the password :

Now you will be asked to enter the password. We have set the default password as ” onlinecmag ” . The hidden folder will now appear and you can access it.

How to password protect a folder using notepad


Note : You can change password by replacing the ” onlinecmag ” in above code .

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PC Guides Security

How To Detect Malware Infection On Your Computer

Even the most intelligent people among us can become prey to phishing attacks, malware, and viruses. This isn’t any myth.!!

Your computer or system may be affected by these malware or viruses without your knowledge. This could even happen even though both of your antivirus and firewall are active.

Simply, the practice you can follow is to be conscious about the symptoms to ensure that your computer is secure. Today you are gonna learn about some basic symptoms to detect malware infection on your computer.

If you are a newbie, you might want to understand what malware actually means. You can take a look at our article on Everything You Need To Know About Malware.

In spite of some earlier experiences, there is always some new malware with which we end up fighting more than ever.

Sometimes, simply every link we click launches up multiple new windows(browser), including a number of pop-ups that gives a confirmation that the computer is insecure. There isn’t anything new in that and anyone can be up against something of this type.

=>Random pop-ups and serious antivirus messages ( Like you system has ran into a problem, click here to solve ) that try to mislead you to enter your credit card information to solve the problem.

How Your Computer Is Infected Even When Antivirus Is Enabled

In this article we explore what exactly the capabilities of antivirus software are and help you understand how antivirus software works. You can see how you are vulnerable inspite

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These are the most common signs of an unsecured system or a hacked system. Mostly Hackers use your fright of viruses or malware to sell their fake antivirus solutions. Meanwhile, your authorized antivirus software may suddenly be stopped or disabled.

detect Malware Infection , detect Malware Infection, detect Malware Infection

=>Another significant sign of virus or malware is if you can’t download or install any antivirus software or other security software. even viruses or malware blocks all antivirus websites and may even prevent you from going online.

The above-mentioned cases are the most common symptoms to detect malware infection in any system.

Solution Of Above Problem:

In such conditions , your best option is to shutdown your computer and restart it in a Safe Mode . You can switch to safe mode by entering boot tab or even simply holding down the ” F8 ”  key while your computer restarts.

Then use a program like Malwarebytes Anti-malware saved on disc or USB to scan your computer and remove the viruses and malware.

Other signs of an infection are more difficult to pin solely on viruses and other threats. For instance, if your programs become unresponsive or your computer slows down suddenly, it could be a malware causing the problems or may be other reasons, such as your computer running out of free memory or your hard drive being nearly full.

Viruses or malware can also cause your computer to restart or crash on its own, but this could also happen if your computer is overheated.

To be secured, keep your antivirus software updated (I recommend AVG ) and run a regular scan. You can also us Malwarebytes for extra assurance.

An Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus – Ultimate Tech DIY

Most of us use some famous antivirus like AVG, Avast etc. The main function of any of these antivirus software can be imitated by a simple trick. All you have to do is to

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If nothing is found, you still have to troubleshoot and clean up your system by removing unwanted applications, but at least you will be sure that your computer is not infected. That itself is a worth of celebrating.

Do write to us about your experiences in fighting against malware, let’s help people out there detect malware infection much effectively.


Delete Your Internet Usage History And Stay Private in Windows – Here’s How!

Most of the people don’t like others to know about their Internet usage history. Not only those who surf adult websites or chat rooms but also people who keep their personal information on shared computers.

Preserving our digital tracks from others and keeping data, or birthday or Christmas shopping private and keeping away ” prying eyes ” from make unwanted discoveries have become a norm in this information age.

How To Completely Get Rid Of Internet Explorer From Windows

Internet Explorer, known as IE is a web browser developed by Microsoft Corporation. Here is an easy method to completely remove Internet Explorer from PC

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If any of these cases concern you, or if you are completely unprepared in securing your digital self it is absolutely vital that you make this your habit to avoid potential problems.

One can delete their Internet tracks in many ways. Today we are going to teach you the most advanced methods of deleting the tracks in the simplest way.

Method 1: Delete The Internet Usage History By Editing The Windows Registry (Advanced Technique)

Step 1: Open Windows Registry:

Open the Start menu and type “regedit” in the search bar. Press “Enter” when you’re done. Now double-click on the “regedit” icon and Wait until the program is opened. When it does, press “continue”.

Step 2: Search The Registry File:

Now press the “Control” + “F” keys to open the Search window. This allows you to start looking for specific log files.

Step 3: Path:

Type “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft” in the search window. Click the icon “more” once the list of results is in the Search window.

Discover How To Hide The Username From Google Chrome Window

The latest Google Chrome update has the name of the user associated with it, apprearing on the browser window. If can however hide this username on the right top by following

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Step 4: Select The Browser:

Select the browser in which you want to clear the history. Here we have taken Internet Explorer, it is your choice to choose the browser and the procedure remains the same. Go to “Internet Explorer” —> “Explorer Bars”.

Step 5: Locate The Default Registry Entry:

Locate the Default registry entry file. This file will have the word “Default” in its name.

Step 6: Deleting The Data:

Right click and delete all registry entries under the Default registry entry. Make sure you do not delete the log entry Default that is above the Default Registry Entry, as this could seriously damage the ability to perform certain functions on your system.

Method 2: Delete Index.Dat Files

Step 1: Start Windows in Safe Mode:

You can usually do this by pressing the F8 key immediately after turning on your computer.

Step 2: Login as Administrator:

Your index.dat files, which contain information relating to the Internet usage history, are impossible to erase by Command Prompt if you have not signed in as an administrator.

Step 3: Command Line:

In Command Prompt, type “index·dat/s” and press “Enter”. Your index.dat files and its subdirectories will be erased.

Tips And Advice:

  1. After deleting your files, delete all System Recovery Points for proper operation. Registration can be restored to a previous point using this tool.
  2. If you don’t want to complicate your life doing this process manually, find a program to do it for you as CCleaner (which is free!), OSPC Privacy Cleaner, East-Tec Eraser 2007, Evidence Eliminator, Tracks Eraser Pro or Windows Washer.
  3. To prevent forensic analysis on your hard drive, write the empty space on your hard drive using a tool like Eraser.
  4. To disable Recent Documents in your start menu, right click on the Start button and select the Properties. Go to the Start Menu tab and click on the button Customize. Now move on to the Advanced tab. At the end, you’ll see a section of recent documents where you can uncheck “Show recently opened documents” option. There is also options to clean and maintain the displayed list section in the start menu.
  5. Windows keeps a DNS cache to help you find the web pages. to see a list of recently viewed pages, open the CMD window (type CMD in the window “Run”) and type ipconfig/displaydns. This cache can be deleted by typing ipconfig/flushdns.
  6. Configure Internet Explorer to automatically delete all temporary files when closed. This option can be found in the Advanced tab under the Tools menu of Internet Explorer/Internet Options. Alternatively, install Firefox instead of IE, which provides a tool to “Clear Private Data”.


  1. In some limited cases, it may be possible for a skilled technician to reverse these changes.
  2. Changes in system files that you hold for yourself are potentially dangerous and perform at your own risk. Trying to hide the history on your computer at work can lead to problems with the usage policy. Network administrators can access the server logs detailing network activity and workers, and firewalls also maintain records, as ISPs (Internet Service Providers).
  3. Do not change the configuration of computer users without asking. It can be a hassle. Change the contents of a computer without legal right is a crime in many countries.
PC Guides Security

6 Different Types Of Computer Viruses You Need To Be Careful About

The most common misconception is whatever the malware is present in their computer; people simply take it as a virus. In most cases, it isn’t and surely identifying the malware is important in dealing with it.

So for this, developing an understanding of malware and its infection models is important.

Malware Is Malicious Software And Here’s Everything About It

Malware is the more common usage for malicious software; and is the broad term which describes the virus, worms, spyware and almost every such term which ..

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A virus is a computer malware which enters your system, replicates itself usually damaging files. Since this is the characteristic feature of all biological viruses, the different types of computer virus are named so.

Although worms exhibit similar behavior, a computer virus is more complex and dangerous as they can take down large volumes of data, deleting the earlier files and occupying entire local drive.

Once this happens, retrieval of these so called infected files is also not possible. Hence it is also very important to understand what the different types of computer virus are.

Different Types Of Computer Viruses

These are how all the different types of computer virus can be categorized into,

#1 File Virus

These viruses are common with the executable files i.e. an .exe, .com, .vbs files. If you are running an infected executable file, you really are doing a big mistake!

Once you do this, you are giving it permission to run your computer as they enter your computer’s memory.

Even when you receive e-mails from an un-trusted source containing an executable file, we recommend you not to run such files and get yourself into trouble.

#2 Macro Virus

These viruses are common with the word processing document and other office tools like the Excel, PowerPoint and so on. Once these files are infected, it is almost impossible to recover such files.

#3 Master Boot Record and Boot Sector Virus

The master boot record file viruses are one of the most destructive types of a computer virus. The master boot record is what contains the code about what your computer is to do before your operating system starts up. This is because, though this virus resides on the hard drive, it isn’t in the windows partition.

How Your PC Can Get Infected Even When Antivirus Software Works Fine

In this article we explore what exactly the capabilities of antivirus software are and help you understand how antivirus software works and why a

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This is because, though this virus resides on the hard drive, it isn’t in the windows partition. Due to this reason, you can’t delete this virus by simply re-installing your operating system. Also because they are present in the master boot record, their detection is also difficult.

#4 Multipartite Virus:

These viruses have hybrid nature and affect both the boot sector and program files. Hence are also called the hybrid virus. Since they affect both the areas at a time, multipartite viruses are often considered fast spreading viruses.

These viruses are very tricky and their elimination is difficult. It is because though this virus is cleaned from the infected files, it is confined to the boot sector and again has that chance to spread onto the program files.

Likewise, if you attempt clearing the virus from the boot sector they are still present in the program files and the boot sector can be re-infected. Hence the prevention is the best cure for these viruses.

#5 Polymorphic Virus:

These viruses are a real headache to the antivirus programs. It is because they change their virus signature, i.e. binary pattern every time they make copies of themselves and infects a new file. It affects data types and functions. Because of its nature, it is considered as a complicated virus.

#6 Stealth Virus:

These viruses concentrate mainly on staying undetected. They are capable of altering information about the file they are present in, in the memory.  Their trickery can hide changes which are brought about due to their replication.

These are the different types of computer viruses. Note that the best way to fight viruses is to restrict their entrance into the computer itself. 

How To Detect Malware Infection on Your Computer

Easy way to Detect Malware Infection On Your Computer. Let’s be honest, no one wants to own a computer that is infected with malicious programs. Therefore..

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How To Create Secure Passwords That Can Be Easily Remembered

Today we all use many passwords without realizing their potential, sometimes we use it for everything, although not highly recommended.

It is also important to consider what we are protecting with that particular password. Currently most frequently used passwords are something like the name of your pet, date of birth, personal names, etc.

Although if the password is not known by anyone else, it is very easy to guess for a person who knows you very much. So we will try to explain you the way to create secure passwords that can be remembered easily.

How To A Create Secure Passwords That Can Be Easily Remembered

The password is considered safe when you have a number of significant characters (between 8 and 12), it is also important to mix many different characters, either uppercase, lowercase, alphanumeric characters, etc …

These types of precautions should be considered in setting a password because of the simple reason that one of the most widely used forms of hacking passwords is the brute force.

It involves the use of dictionary attack (words and numbers) i.e they try to log into your account by using various words and numbers.

How To Access Your Gmail Account Without A Password

Using a Gmail account without a password can be considered an advantage as it saves a lot of time. In this era of technology, most of us usually have two

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Steps To Create Secure Passwords

Step 1: Choose A Password:

Let’s start with an example, imagine that your name is: ” ONLINECMAG “, so it is easy to remember, now, we start with the transformation.

Step 2: Add A Special Character:

A good password must have special characters like ” $% & / (‘_-, “. So we take our name and add a couple of characters that we like, for example:


Step 3: Replace With Numbers:

Now, just change the letters with the numbers or characters that resemble, we take the name and add the new changes, now it is something like this:


Step 4: Capitalization:

Finally, the best characteristic of a good password is the change in capitalization, therefore, as the last step, we will put the first letter of the word in uppercase and the rest in lowercase, staying like this:


Check The Password Strength:

Finally, you can check your new password strength in any key tester, we recommend this, I took the test of the key and the results are as follow:

Create Secure Passwords ,How To A Create Secure Passwords That Can Be Easily Remembered

As you can see in the picture, in the first block we have achieved the highest score, and in the second, we fulfill all requirements except they have two lowercase letters in a row, as an overall score, we see that we have 100% and a valued complexity, as strong.

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Have you downloaded a PDF file and can’t unlock it? Don’t worry, in this article we are going to show you how to easily remove password from PDF file with these

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Automatically Generate A Secure Password:

We can also generate a key automatically, and memorize that key, usually, they are quite safe keys but difficult to remember. For this work, we recommend this website that generates keys automatically.

Everything mentioned above is useless if you are careless / as ultimately the responsibility of your passwords is on your part, an important tip is to make sure not to give remember password in browsers, especially when the computer is not yours.


What Happens If You Don’t Update Your Antivirus Software – Find Out Now

Do you know that around 6000 new computer viruses are being developed each day?  Do you know how antivirus software protects you from viruses? What updating your antivirus software means? Or that 90% of the e-mails on the Internet are malware containing?

Since you wanted to know why you should update your antivirus, there are most chances that you don’t have an answer for the above questions.

We understand the pain in updating antivirus software every now and then, but, dear friend you aren’t left with any option.

How Your PC Can Get Infected Even When Antivirus Software Works Fine

In this article we explore what exactly the capabilities of antivirus software are and help you understand how antivirus software works in a clearly

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Someone who really understands this article will surely wait for new updates to be released by antivirus software; such is the advantage if you update your antivirus software regularly.

Why should you update your antivirus software?

The Internet has become a wild west; with tons and tons of malware present at different corners of it. To fight malware, there are just a handful of antivirus software companies.

Any antivirus software, irrespective of if you have purchased it or downloaded a free version over the Internet; continuously releases updates. These updates are nothing but added virus signature files and some software application developments.

An entire software company works on viruses that are introduced newly and develops methods to keep your computer/mobile safe from them.

This process is reiterated again and again. If you intend to keep your computer safe from any of these newly created viruses, the one thing you must do is to keep your antivirus software updated.

If in case your have installed an antivirus software long ago and haven’t updated it often since then, then its almost as good as not having an antivirus software itself.

Simply, your antivirus doesn’t have the capability to identify latest versions of malware and stays shut even when your system is being completely taken down by the virus infection.

How to know if your PC is infected?

Easy way to Detect Malware Infection On Your Computer. Let’s be honest, no one wants to own a computer that is infected with malicious programs. Therefore

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How Often Should You Update your Antivirus Software?

Mostly, unless you have altered all the antivirus software settings, your antivirus searches the web for new updates every time your computer/mobile is online.

Since they don’t have to download the entire software, the time required to get updated with these latest virus signatures won’t take long.

Anyways, the answer to this question is not unique but can be stated according to what type of a user you are.

First of all, do you have a permanent Internet connection? If so, then its better you look for updates every week.

If your internet usage is for work, with you receiving a lot of e-mail every day, then you must update daily. If you hardly use the internet, even this we recommend its better if you try an update once every two weeks.

If you hardly use the Internet, even then we recommend updating your Anti-virus software once every two weeks.

Your Thoughts

There actually are a good number of antivirus software to choose from out there. Now that you understand the basic principle underlying software updates in general, we suggest you turn on automatic updates. What do you say? Express your views in the comments section below. We love feedback!


How To Know If Your Computer Has Been Hacked & Restore Control Fast!

Hackers are basically of two different types. While Type 1 hackers use their skills to create a better world, Type 2 hackers participate in illegal activities. It is the Type 2 hackers that you have to be really careful about. Firstly, you need to acknowledge that getting hacked isn’t a myth but can happen to anyone.

If you are worried that your PC is hacked, then never delay in taking the right measures. After going through these points, in case you find similar signs on your computer, immediately head to our list of things you need to do when your computer is taken down post to restore control over your PC.

Hackers may enter your devices surprisingly, but what you need to understand is they do leave some simple signs that you can identify looking at the screen. This article will show you some possible indicators that will help you to check whether your Computer has been hacked, plus some tips for you to act fast.

Key Points To Known Whether Your Computer Has Been Hacked

Here are points which you should look for if you are suspicious about being hacked:

Point 1: Identify These Basic Signs

Consider whether something unusual is happening on your computer. You know it better than anyone and you know how it works. If it was working fine before and is stopping suddenly, it could be a sign that it is old or damaged, also there is a possibility of it being a sign that your computer is being targeted. Also if you:

1. Have standard programs and files that do not open or do not work suddenly.

2. The files that were not deleted are gone.

3. You can not access programs using your regular password. You realize that your passwords have been changed on your computer.

4. Programs on your computer that are not installed by you.

5. When you are not using the PC, but, it is often connected to the Internet.

6. The contents of the files are changed without you modifying them.

7. Your printer may not work as usual. Could not print or print different pages that you sent to print.

Point 2: Check For Accounts On The Internet 

Here you could find some signs on the Internet as well if you are hacked.

1. A page or more pages will deny access because you entered the wrong password. Try to access various websites as usual; if access to the password continues to freeze, it may be because you’ve been hacked. Did you answer an email that uses the technique of “phishing” (a fake email asking you to change the security of the data or will update passwords)?

2. Internet searches are re-routed.

3. Extra browser screens may Open. These may appear or disappear without you doing anything. In addition, they could be darker or the same color, but you can see them.

4. If you purchased a domain name, you could not get it even after you paid.

Point 3: Keep An Eye For Malicious Software

Find other malicious software, replacement software, etc – that are standard elements of hackers. Other things that could happen when your computer has been hacked are:

1. False messages containing viruses. You could have anti-virus software or not, but still, if you do not, these messages of threats will alert you continuously. If you have this software know the source of this messages, that’s fine to some extent. But if these messages are from a random program you never installed, then you should be aware that these messages are false. Just do not click on them, it’s a scam to give the information of your credit card to try to get rid of viruses on your computer. Note that the hacker is already controlling your computer. See what to do next.

Spyware, What To Do When Your Computer Gets Hacked ?

7 Things To Do When Your Computer Gets Hacked Without Panicing

If you’re worried that someone has hacked your computer or electronic device, then take your gut-felt concerns seriously and act fast and follow these steps

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2. Additional toolbars appear in your web browser all of a sudden. You should only have one toolbar. Therefore, you should suspect if you have more than one.

3. Frequently appearing popups on your computer. You need to get rid of the program that makes these popups appear.

4. Your anti-malware program and your antivirus software does not work, or, seem disconnected. Similarly, your task manager or registry editor stops working.

5. People in your email address list will receive fake emails from your account.

6. The money from your bank account is missing or you will get the paid bills of your online shopping that you haven’t.

Point 4: Important Final Checks

If you fail to take control of any of these, consider that you’ve been hacked and things will only get worse. In particular, if the mouse cursor moves on the screen and performs actions that you do not make this surely means that someone else is manipulating your computer.

If you have given access to your work computer from another computer to fix it, then you know how it performs when used for other purposes. If this access is not authorized, then you have been hacked.

Check for your personal information leaks. Find yourself on Google. Is there any personal information online that you have not shared? This may not appear immediately but will be important to keep this in mind if you share personal information.


Top 5 Tips for Maximum Windows Protection

Sometimes it’s best to illustrate power when we put it to numbers and all we’re going to say is that at the present moment there are over 400 million users of Windows 10 alone.

The other fact that there isn’t a precise number determining how many Windows users there are in the world speaks volumes of just how popular Microsoft really is.

Chances are that you’re reading this article from your Windows operated device and if so, then you’re here to find out more about taking you Windows Protection to the next level.

There are many ways to get around protecting your Windows operating system and many of them depend on which Windows you use and how much you know about online security.

We’ll share with you five tips that can be applied to practically any Windows you have to ensure its protection.

How To Achieve Maximum Windows Protection:

1. You Need Your Backup System

top 5 tips for maximum windows protection and security

One of the first things you should do to enhance your Windows protection is to have a backup plan or, to be more exact, to have a working backup system.

Prevention is the best thing you can do when it comes to your online security. Doing regular backups of your most valuable information is one way to be sure that everything crucial is kept safe at all times.

Sometimes problems don’t come from the outside but happen within your hardware and there’s no security software to keep you safe from these troubles.

There are many big name companies that offer excellent solutions for backing up your data and all you need to do is take your pick. You should also think about how you want to secure your files – an online cloud or external hard-drive?

There also a few rules to remember – have three copies of all important information on different types of backup support, make sure that the files are safe with strong passwords and set up your backups to be done automatically so that you don’t have to worry about them.

2. Antivirus Program and Firewall

top 5 tips for maximum windows protection and security

You probably know that having an antivirus program is one of the first things you need to do to keep your internet security in check.

It’s quite easy to find antivirus these days, seeing that there are many strong security companies that offer their services both for free and for a fee.

All you need to do is establish what level of protection you need because free versions of antivirus programs will cover some basic security levels, but if you need more than that, you’ll have to pay to make sure your security status is good.

Also, check to see if your chosen antivirus comes with a firewall, which is a very important component of your internet shield.

If the firewall is not a part of package deal, you can always resort to Windows Firewall, which will do a decent job in protecting your OS from outside threats.

3. Against Malware and Spyware

top 5 tips for maximum windows protection and securityYou may need an additional level of protection against the latest forms of malware and specifically spyware, which is becoming more and more annoying with each passing year.

Changing your default browser, showing popup ads everywhere, redirecting your every search to malware riddled websites – this is the chaos that goes with spyware.

Some particularly nasty forms can even track your internet activities and use these records against you by stealing your financial details or your identity.

This is why you should also have strong anti-malware installed on your Windows and why most of us must use VPN (virtual private networks) to keep under the radar of surveillance and hacker tracking.

Believing you’ve got nothing to hide won’t save you from cybercriminals that are able to use even the smallest piece of information to disable your security systems.

4. OS and Software Should Always Be up to Date

top 5 tips for maximum windows protection and security

Updates exist for a very good reason and that is to keep all the potential holes in your security patched regularly. That is why updates are fairly frequent and why you shouldn’t be irritated by them, even though they can be unwelcome.

The truth is that both your operating system and pieces of software you use should always be up to date, otherwise black-hat hackers will take full advantage of them and infect your Windows with gods know what. It would be wise to let both your system and your software update automatically so that you don’t have to handle everything manually.

It would be wise to let both your system and your software update automatically so that you don’t have to handle everything manually.

Also, take a closer look at what software you actually use and what just lingers around in your system, slowing it down unnecessarily. Whatever you don’t need, you should promptly get rid of to improve your device’s performance and security.

5. Use Your Restore Option

top 5 tips for maximum windows protection and securityAs soon as you install your Windows (enter number here) you should set restore point where you can have clean installation you can go back to in case something endangers your OS. This is yet another smart precaution you should

This is yet another smart precaution you should take, because this restore point will get you back to square one of your system, before any potentially problematic programs were installed. As you can see, you should always have a failsafe (or a few) to get your Windows on track faster, and you can be sure that clean installation

As you can see, you should always have a failsafe (or a few) to get your Windows on track faster, and you can be sure that clean installation restore point is going to work.

Protecting your Windows both online and offline is not a one-time thing. Security is not an exact science, which means that you will always have to work on improving it, sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less. The catch is never to let anything slide, if something looks suspicious, check it out, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The catch is never to let anything slide, if something looks suspicious, check it out, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

About The Author:
Thomas Milva has been in the business of information security for four years, and strongly believes that he picked the best timing for his profession, which he often underlines in his articulate articles for Most of the time, he works from home, and whenever he’s free, he organizes hikes for his dog, his girlfriend and himself. Tom’s home, for the time being is Baton Rouge.