Cool Keyboard Trick To Make Your Own Disco Patterns
PC Hacks

Cool Keyboard Tricks (Windows) : Make a Disco

Usually every keyboard has small LEDs which indicates different types of locks that are activated. Here is a small trick to use these lights in a more creative manner . This trick uses a very simple Visual Basic Script ( VB script ) which when activated makes your Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock LEDs to flash in a cool rhythmic way . This gives a perception of live disco on your keyboard.

Follow the below given steps To make your own live disco :

Step 1 : Open New Text Document :

Right click on the desktop and select create a new text document option or just simply Open a Notepad.

Step 2 : Copy And Paste The Code :

Copy the below given code and Paste it in your notepad document .

Cool Keyboard Tricks (Windows) : Make a Disco , Usually every keyboard has small LEDs which indicates different types of locks that are activated. This gives a perception of live disco on your keyboard...

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

Step 3 :Save The File :

Save this Notepad file As ” OnlineCmag.vbs ” , but make sure that the file type is selected as ” All files ” and saved with ” .vbs ” extension .

Cool Keyboard Tricks (Windows) : Make a Disco , Usually every keyboard has small LEDs which indicates different types of locks that are activated. This gives a perception of live disco on your keyboard...

Step 4 : Run This File :

Cool Keyboard Tricks (Windows) : Make a Disco , Usually every keyboard has small LEDs which indicates different types of locks that are activated. This gives a perception of live disco on your keyboard...

Open the Saved file by Double clicking on it. Now you will see that the LEDs on your keyboard go crazy . Congrats you have successfully made your own cool disco.

Note :
This trick has been tested on Windows XP,Vista,7,8 and found to be working properly.

To Stop It : Go to your task manager and end-up the ” wscript.exe ” process.

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